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English translation for "平均比率"

average rate

Related Translations:
混合物比率:  mixing rate
入学比率:  enrolment ratio
比率测试:  ratio testing
弹簧比率:  spring rate
透明比率:  transparency ratio
历来比率:  historical ratio
通气比率:  ventilation ratio
衰减比率:  turndown ratio
股本比率:  ratio of capital stock
比率作用:  rate act
Example Sentences:
1.In order to measure seasonal variation we typically use the ratio-to-moving average method .
2.Is the weighted average of the ratio of the total amount of overdue loans over the total outstanding mortgage loans
3.On the other hand , the port state control detention rates for the hong kong registered ships remain well below the world averages
4.On the other hand , the port state control detention rates for the hong kong registered ships remain well below the world averages
5.The delinquency ratio is the weighted average of the ratio of the total amount of overdue loans over the total outstanding mortgage loans
6.When compared to the belgian landrace which is itself known for its meatiness , they excelled in usable lean , having 66 . 7 percent as compared to 63 . 2 percent ; in defatted loin they cut out 24 . 5 percent as compared to 23 . 4 percent ; their hams averaged 24 . 6 percent as compared to 23 . 4 percent ; and in lean to fat ratio , the breed had 9 . 2 to 1 while the comparison was 6 . 3 to 1
比利华与本身为人所知多肉的比利时蓝瑞斯做比较,在可利用瘦肉率上以百分之66 . 7胜过百分之63 . 2 ;在去脂的大里肌里他们切去了百分之24 . 5 ,比利时蓝瑞斯为百分之23 . 4 ;腿部平均比率为百分之24 . 6对百分之23 . 4 ;并在瘦肉与脂肪比率上为9 . 2比1 ,在比利时蓝瑞斯上则为6 . 3比1 。
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