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English translation for "巴士底狱"

[法国] the bastille (十四到十八世纪法国巴黎的城堡和国家监狱)

Related Translations:
被送入狱:  be sent to gaol
巴士杰:  bashijie
巴士专线:  bus lane
鬼巴士:  ghostly bus
穿梭巴士:  shuttle bus
大黄巴士:  big yellow taxi
巴士厂:  bus depot
巨龙巴士:  dennis dragon
巴士海峡:  bashi channel
巴士型号:  buses
Example Sentences:
1.Still , the bastille was hated by the people
2.You did good service at the taking of the bastille , citizen
“你在攻占巴士底狱时表现良好,是么,公民? ”
3.A . anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the bastille
4.Inform the tribunal of what you did that day within the bastille , citizen
“向法庭报告那天你在巴士底狱做的事吧,公民! ”
5.The insurgents invaded the h _ tel des invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the bastille
反叛者冲入“荣军院” (军医院)抢夺武器,随后奔向巴士底狱
6.The storming of the bastille on july 14 , 1789 , was an important symbolic development in the french revolution
7.Bastille day celebrations erupt in every french city , town , and hamlet9 , and among french expatriates10 as well
8.Although at the time the bastille contained only seven prisoners , its taking marked the beginning of open rebellion against the king
9.On july 14 , 1789 , during the french revolution , citizens of paris stormed the bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside
10.Saint antoine was clamorous to have its wine - shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the bastille and shot the people
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