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English translation for "居住期间"


Related Translations:
居住建筑物:  inhabited buildingresidential buildingresidential structures
分开居住:  live apart
居住条件:  dwelling conditionhousing conditions
居住签证:  residential visa
居住率:  occupancy rateoccupancyrate
居住驳船:  accommodation barge
居住中心:  residence centre
非居住建筑物:  nonresidential building
非居住建筑:  non-residential structure
非居住房产:  nondomestic premises
Example Sentences:
1.While they were living in london, carol and mark attended miss vacani's famous dancing school in the brompton road .
2.During her occupancy the garden was transformed
3.Your passport or travel document showing your travel records and length of residence in hong kong , or any of the following documents : -
载有你的旅游纪录及证明居住期间的护照或旅行证件,或下述文件: (一)
4.Passport or travel document showing your travel records and length of residence in hong kong , or any of the following documents
你的香港身份证载有你的旅游纪录及证明居住期间的护照或旅行证件,或下述文件: (一)
5.Passport or travel document showing your travel records and length of residence in hong kong , or any of the following documents : -
你的香港身份证载有你的旅游纪录及证明居住期间的护照或旅行证件,或下述文件: (一)
6.Major work : deal with the after sale services for the expatriates staying in the premise , coordinate with the vendors of sending and receiving the goods
7.Your passport or travel document showing your travel records and length of residence in hong kong , or any of the following documents
你的香港身份证载有你的旅游纪录及证明居住期间的护照或旅行证件,或下述文件: (一)
8.While if he who would like to live off campus , he himself is responsible for his safety , and should report to the college as soon as any accident happens
9.Here i declare : during my living in china , i have never been in marriage with anyone in anyplaces according to the local customs , religious ceremonies or registration
10.Party b will assist tenants to conduct check - in procedure and deal with all problems occur in the unit during the leasing period and submit a report in written to party a if necessary
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