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English translation for "将来进行"

future continuous

Related Translations:
将来:  (in the) future 短语和例子美好的将来 happy future; 在不远的将来 in the not too distant future; before long; in the near future; 将来环境角色 future surrounding case; 将来生效的租契 executory lease; 将来的经理 would-be mana
将来公约:  prospective convention
将来运费:  future freight
预定将来:  destine
考虑将来:  forethoughtlook ahead
将来时态:  future tensesimple future
将来时:  future tense
将来直陈式:  el futuro de indicativo
将来的命运:  fortune
以警将来:  serve as warning for the future alert
Example Sentences:
1.Past future continuous tense
2.Underline all the verbs in the passage which tell us what will be happening
3.Future continuous tense
4.Change the form of the verbs in italics so that they tell us what will be happening
5.C change the form of the verbs in italics so that they tell us what will be happening
6.To permit further integration , avaki provides a tag library for use with java server pages
为了便于将来进行集成, avaki提供了一个用在jsp中的标签库。
7.Discussing the further development of network - nle system , and list some problems need to be resolved in future research
8.Never partially cook poultry for final cooking later . bacteria and viruses can survive and grow in partially cooked meat
9.However , saviola ' s agent has this evening claimed that he expects the spanish giants to make contact in the very near future
10.Trials of the new retinal prosthesis will begin shortly , following the success of a prototype that has enabled six blind people to see again
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