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English translation for "射电望远镜"

radio telescope

Related Translations:
抛物面射电望远镜:  parabolic radio telescope
轨道射电望远镜:  orbital radio telescope
低频射电望远镜:  loftlow-frequency radio telescope
中天射电望远镜:  transit radio telescope
综合孔径射电望远镜:  aperture synthesis radiotelescopesynthesis radiotelescope
全动射电望远镜:  fully steerable radio telescope
固定球面射电望远镜:  fixed spherical radio telescope
毫米波射电望远镜阵:  milli meter array mmaa
带形射电望远镜:  tiltable plate telescope
阿雷西博射电望远镜:  arecibo observatory
Example Sentences:
1.Existing radio telescopes are probably sensitive enough .
2.It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world .
3.With radio and x-ray telescopes, we find many signs of violent activity .
4.This chain eventually led to jet aircraft, nuclear power, and giant radio telescopes .
5.With the help of special radio telescope, the intensity of radiation can be measured in different parts of the sky .
6.In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study of interplanetary scintillation came into operation .
7.Nestled deep in the green hills of west virginia, a dish-shaped telescope keeps an unceasing vigil on the sky .
8.Theoretically, there are no limits to the dimensions of a radio telescope-array, but there are practical restrictions .
9.Astronomers are using radio telescopes to listen for the signals from civilizations that they believe exist on thousands of planets throughout our galaxy .
10.We are used to calling an instrument of this kind in optics a telescope, and the radioastronomical counterparts are therefore briefly named "radio telescope" .
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