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English translation for "定昌"


Related Translations:
颖昌:  xuchang
赖昌:  raitschan
共昌:  tomomasa
昌比:  chambi
官昌:  guanchang
富昌:  future
昌人:  akihitomasahitomasaudo
广昌:  guangchanghiromasaquang xuong
钱昌:  chan chan
昌照:  masateru
Example Sentences:
1.Yin baoyun , wu ninggeng , song chengyou , shen dingchang ,
2.Jingming publisher of korea . 2000 . 27 notes on the folk stories of korea
42韩国外交与美国韩文,沈定昌著,韩国小学社, 2006年。
3.5 in 1994 - 1995 , mr . shen dingchang and miss piao hongxin did their researches as visiting scholars at korea university
4.5 international symposium on the traditional chinese and korean culture and modernization . co - sponsored with myong - ji university . peking university
5.The scholars from china , korea , japan and the united states attended the symposium . it is the first full - meaning international conference held in china , and it prompted the korean studies positively
39 . 2004年11月,沈定昌教授出席在日本九州大学举办的构筑环太平洋韩国学研究体系的国际学术研讨会
6.25 in november 2004 , prof . shen dingchang were invited to present in the international conference of the construction of the study system of korean studies at kyshu university in japan . ii
34 . 2003年11月,杨通方沈定昌教授出席由浙江大学韩国研究所和杭州市外办共同举办的韩国临时政府在中国杭州学术研讨会。
7.Dr . the honourable donald tsang , acting chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region , officiated at the ceremony . the platform party consisted of prof . arthur k . c . li , secretary for education and manpower ; dr . lee hon - chiu , chairman of the university council ; representatives of the lee hysan foundation and the lee family ; prof . ambrose king , vice - chancellor of the university ; mr . karl kwok , chairman of the board of trustees , chung chi college ; prof . rance lee , head of chung chi college ; and prof . daniel law , dean of arts
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