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English translation for "安睡的"


Related Translations:
安睡:  requiemthe repose
休憩安睡:  rest 1
安睡吧:  sleep now
合眼安睡:  compose oneself to sleep
安睡的狮子:  the lion sleeps tonight
安睡颈枕:  g-008
小宝贝快安睡:  little baby goes to sleep
安睡在梦中:  sleebeneath my dreams
才能在沙滩上安睡:  before she sleeps in the sand
在我怀中安睡:  asleep in my arms
Example Sentences:
1.Then soft music filled the air and soothed the slumbering heroes .
2.It shouid pass in a day or two . i gave him something to heip him sieep
3.What made him seek this quarter of the house at an untimely season , when he should have been asleep in bed
4.There is the silence that comes with morning in a forest , and this is different from the silence of a sleeping city
5.They made the chamber sweet with flowers and leaves , and bed sweet with flowers on which i lay ; while my soul , love bound , boilered on its way
6.Then i began to look around me , from the wall at the foot of my bed , to the windows that denied me enough darkness to sleep properly , to the strange man on my left who was kneeling next to my bed
7.Mrs bolton came in with two glasses of malted milk : for clifford , to make him sleep , and for connie , to fatten her again . it was a regular night - cap she had introduced . connie was glad to go , when she had drunk her glass , and thankful she needn t help clifford to bed
Similar Words:
"安睡" English translation, "安睡, 平静, 静止" English translation, "安睡吧" English translation, "安睡吧,小宝贝" English translation, "安睡吧我的宝贝" English translation, "安睡的狮子" English translation, "安睡颈枕" English translation, "安睡在梦中" English translation, "安睡在你的悉心照料中" English translation, "安睡在上帝的怀中" English translation