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English translation for "奉节"

fengjie county

Related Translations:
奉氏:  tomouji
翼奉:  yi feng
直奉:  first zhili-fengtian warsecond zhili-fengtian war
奉任:  tomoto
奉仕:  ing-service
兼奉:  kanetomo
奉常:  feng ch'ing
奉天:  fengtianmukden
奉永:  tomonaga
奉持:  uphold reverently
Example Sentences:
1.Jet grouting improvement on rockfall deposit at fengjie shore of the three gorges reservoir
2.Characteristics and stability analysis of landslide in three gorges reservoir area in fengjie county
3.Bank slope types and rock mass structural features in new fengjie county , three gorges reservoir region
4.Construction and preliminary analysis of subtractive library for peel pitting of ' fengjie ' navel orange fruit
5.Tang dynasty poet li bai immortalised the ancient walled town of fengjie in his verses
6.Baotaping site is located at the north bank of changjiang river , one kilometer east from the old county of fengjie county , chongqing city
7.Han sanming , a miner , travels to fengjie to look for his ex - wife who he has not seen in 16 years
8.The purpose of this thesis is to summarize my work during the building of chongqing meixihe cfst bridge comprehensively
9.After the three gorge reservoir , the yangtze river storing water to 175m ? ts normal water level , almost the whole fengjie city would be submerged
10.Phenomenology research on deformation and failure modes of slopes composed of argillaceous limestone of the third number of badong group in new site of fengjie county of three gorges reservoir area
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