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English translation for "多刃"

◇多刃刀具 [机械工程] multiple-cutting-edge [multipoint] tool; 多刃滚刀 kerf cutter; 多刃切削 multiple cut

Related Translations:
对刃:  counter blade
刀口刃:  knife
平刃:  flat edge
刃锉:  edge file
切削刃:  cutting bladecutting chincutting edgecutting endcutting liptool edgeworking edge
引出刃:  exit lip
刃山:  hayama
引进刃:  entrance lip
音速刃:  ucry
钻头刃带:  margin of drillmarginofdrill
Example Sentences:
1.A single-point tool has only one cutting edge, while a multiple-point tool has two or more cutting edges .
2.Subland twist drills with morse taper shanks for holes prior to tapping screw threads
3.Subland twist drills with parallel shank for holes prior to tapping screw threads and for relief countersinks
4.Subland twist drills with morse taper shank for clearance holes and countersinks for countersunk head screws
5.Subland twist drills with parallel shank for clearance holes and counterbores for hexagon socket head cap screws and slotted cheese head screws
6.Subland twist drills with morse taper shank for clearance holes and counterbores for hexagon socket head cap screws and slotted cheese head screws
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