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English translation for "多信道的"

multi channel
Example Sentences:
1.Compared to the three or double channels tracking system , this system can reduce the system cost by half or more , and some extra technology demands can be ignored
2.The author analyzed layered coding , multi description coding , technology of recover and hiding of errors , providing the approach " a approach of a multi description coding base on space domain dividing " , and then give a experiment to testify it
作者在文中较为详细的分析介绍流媒体编码中的分层编码、多描述编码和错误恢复隐藏机制,提出“基于空域分离多信道的多描述编码方案” ,并佐以实验数据验证。
3.For power control of listening users , forward power control method are introduced based on full , multichannel , filtered report , and collision method etc . the full report method has redundancy report information , and its real - time performance is bad , multichannel report is introduced to improve the real - time performance , and filtered report is introduced to eliminate the redundancy information , finally the collision method introduced can not only get higher real - time performance but also diminish the redundancy information ; 2 . in order to meet the requirements of making the dynamic simulation of trunking group system , the ms ’ s random move equation is brought forward , the simulation of ms ’ s distribution is done and the integrated channel model are presented ; 3 . the smart predicative model of power control is introduced to overcome the delay and track the change of the complicated network , with this model , the power control ‘ s performance is greatly improved
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