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English translation for "复式簿记"

book by double entry
bookkeeping by double entry
bookkeeping by italian method
double entry book keeping
double entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping system
entry bookkeeping

Related Translations:
传票式簿记:  slip bookkeeping
复式车行道:  dual carriageway road
复式会计制度:  double accounting systemdouble-entry system
复式孔:  duplicate orifice
复式保险:  double i urancedouble insurance
复式鼓风机:  cro -compound blowing enginecross compound blowing enginecross-compound blowing engine
复式铸件:  verbundguteil compound casting
复式信息处理:  complex information processing
复式烟囱:  multiple chimney
复式指示器:  dual indicator
Example Sentences:
1.Double - entry book - keeping
2.The tokyo metropolitan government became the first in the nation to introduce a new public accounting system that more clearly shows the state of public assets by adopting a double entry bookkeeping system in april this year
3.B . the double - entry bookkeeping creates conditions for the advent of accounting information disclosure . the accounting information provided in terms of double - entry bookkeeping , on one hand , owns such attributes as being true and covering a wide range , and on the other hand , is just what the property owners need
4.The historical development of accounting information disclosure , which concentrates on the advent , developing course , and motive of accounting information disclosure , coming to such conclusions as : a . the accounting information disclosure resulted from the double - entry bookkeeping in the mediaeval italy . its development depends on the accounting environment whose changes can create new needs for accounting information . especially , the presence of corporation accelerates the development of accounting information further
5.The third section redefined the conception of the accounting postulates in the electric network environment . it proposed that the contradictory accounting principle may coexist , and discussed the challenge of the triple - entry bookkeeping pointed to unchangeable double - entry bookkeeping in hundreds of years and thorough innovation the accounting event methods aimed at the process methods of traditional accounting data the accounting report developed from the general process report to mass customization report
6.Hundreds of years have passed since the birth of double entry to the use of the financial statement and later to the formation of the present financial reporting system . the changing environment helps the mode of disclosing of accounting information develop from the 12th century double entry to the modern financial reporting system , and it is this changing environment that helps reveal the great defects of the financial reporting system
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