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English translation for "基金中心"

funding center

Related Translations:
基金:  fund; foundation 短语和例子保健福利基金 a health and welfare fund; 大修基金 funds for major overhaul; 外汇平准基金 exchange stabilization fund; 福利基金 welfare fund; 积累基金 accumulation fund; 教育基金 education fund; 消
Example Sentences:
1.2 . select the desired fund from the mutual fund center
2 .在互惠基金中心里选择合适的基金
2.Global etfs center
3.Mutual fund center
4.The other measures it will take to maintain hong kong s lead as a hedge fund centre
5.Boom s global etf center allows you to search among varieties of etfs around the world , including us , asia and europe equities , commodities , industrial specific index funds , and they are all available for trading through boom
6.Ms jana kunicha from the european foundation centre shared her experience on how community philanthropy type of initiatives have influenced social development in europe - where a large number of countries ( developed or developing ) have also undergone major changes
7.Boom provides access to over 100 hong kong sfc approved mutual funds . through the mutual fund center , one can buy and sell mutual funds from some of the world s most respected fund management companies , including franklin templeton , principal capital , principal fund , investec , newton , access , haussmann and man investment
Boom的互惠基金中心提供超过100只来自世界顶级管理公司、香港证监会认可之优质基金可供选择,其中包括邓普顿暨富兰克林投资服务、 principal capital 、 principal fund 、天达健辉、 newton 、晓通国际投资、 haussmann 、 man investment等。
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