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English translation for "国际贸易组织"

ito international trade organization

Related Translations:
国际贸易:  international trade◇国际贸易额 value of international trade; 国际贸易发展协会 international trade development association; 国际贸易法 international trade law; 国际贸易惯例 customs and usages of international trad
国际贸易系统:  international trade system
国际贸易术语:  the terms of international trade
国际贸易法:  international trade lawsllm in international trade law
国际贸易宪章:  international trade charter
国际贸易统计:  international trade statistics
国际贸易促进会:  committee for the promotion of international traderat n.zur frderung des internationalen handels
国际贸易事务:  practice of international trade
国际贸易税则:  tariff for foreign trade
国际贸易伙伴:  international trading partner
Example Sentences:
1.Icito interim commission for the international trade organization
2.Gatt 1947 the original agreement dealing with trade in goods , now incorporated into gatt 1994 article vi : anti - dumping and countervailing duties
3.Unlike many groups , the world trade organization seeks consensus among its members on issues and appointments . that means one hundred forty - eight governments all have to agree
4.While the international trade organization was rejected by the us senate , its successor organization the general agreement on trade & tariffs ( gatt ) would be established in 1946 to pursue the same goals without the same enforcement provisions
5.In addition , the final judgment orders morgan stanley to implement structural reforms and provide enhanced disclosure to investors , including a broad range of changes relating to the operations of its equity research and investment banking operations
同样值得深思,联合国成立后,其经济与社会理事会遂即接受美国之建议,筹备建立国际贸易组织ito ,并就gatt进行谈判。
6.The ministers from australia , brazil , the european union , india , japan and the united states announced that they agreed to try by the end of the year to conclude the so - called doha round of 150 - member world trade organization talks
7.The china harbin international fair for trade and economic cooperation harbin fair is one of the largest regional events of its kind , which is organised with the support of the chinese ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation
贸易拉脱维亚支持中国加入国际贸易组织( wto ) ,这为双边经济合作提供了新的机遇。就有关中国加入wto的程序,拉脱维亚和中国于2000年签订了协议。
8.It is obvious that the development of e - commerce in our country has already lagged behind the world , and the lack of the relevant legislation has also seriously hampered the development of the e - commerce . however , the fact is that infringements on internet are common nowadays and the courts are also bringing out beneficial trials
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