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English translation for "四处参观"

show around

Related Translations:
四处溜达:  moving around
四处搜索:  search everywhere for huntingscanindexingsearchscoutreconnaissanceacquisition
四处搜寻:  ferret about
四处都是:  everywhere
四处看:  look around
四处张扬:  publicize everywhere
四处移动:  shift about
四处流浪:  rove 1
四处碰壁:  get into trouble on all sides; be driven from pillar to post; be snubbed at all places; run into snags at every turn; run one's head into stone walls everywhere
四处闲逛:  beat about
Example Sentences:
1.I was on a tour , a sight - seeing tour
2.He conducted me around the museum
3.So , shall we have a look around
4.Once he met someone who not only gave him directions but also showed him around and buying him a meal
5.Many people flocked to the famous haight street area to visit booths offering a variety of alternative therapies , clothing , food and snacks , to name just a few of the attractions
Similar Words:
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