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English translation for "商业风险"

business risk
commercial risks

Related Translations:
减轻风险:  mitigation of risk
风险防范:  risk prevention
风险经理:  risk manager
风险增加:  aggradation of risk
行业风险:  industry risk
基本风险:  basis riskriskiness
风险基金:  risk fundvc fundsventure capitalventure fund
风险赔偿:  indemnity for risk
负债风险:  liability risk
进度风险:  schedule risk
Example Sentences:
1.Risks , operative or from law , do exit
2.The legal problems of non - commercial risk insurance of the foreign investment
3.On the definition of the change of circumstance - comparison of the change of circumstance and cormmercial risk
4.The profit and risk of loss remains with the principal , unless the agent is a del credere one
5.The traditional definition of an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and accepts the risks of a new business
6.This paper presents a risk index system of architectural industry and a model of artificial neural network
7.The traditional definition of an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and accepts the risks of a new business
8.“ companies almost need to ask themselves the stupid questions to think about the full spectrum of business risks , and how they would manage them
“在全面考虑商业风险和管理风险的方式时,企业几乎需要问自己一些愚蠢的问题。 ”
9.Insurance - - in 1999 china agreed to allow foreign insurers to write " large scale commercial risk " policies but did not define the term
1 .保险1999年,中国同意允许外国保险公司承接“大规模商业风险”的保单,但并未确定有关的条件。
10.Doctors , lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share the profits and risks of doing business . a husband and wife can form a business partnership
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