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English translation for "咖啡饮料"

coffee beverage
coffee-based beverage

Related Translations:
饮料胶管:  beverage hose
咖啡糕:  coffeecake
散装咖啡:  loose coffee
咖啡具:  coffee servicecoffee set
咖啡银行:  banco cafeterobanco del cafe, s.a
炒咖啡:  roasted coffee
咖啡硷:  caffeine
亚历山大咖啡:  cafe alexander
麦氏咖啡:  maxellmaxwell house coffee
咖啡加柠檬:  caffe im lemon
Example Sentences:
1.The roasted beans were crushed , and then boiled in water , creating a crude version of the beverage we enjoy today
2.They hae found that haing a caffeinated drink does not make you more alert than non - coffee drinkers , reported the daily mail
3.They have found that having a caffeinated drink does not make you more alert than non - coffee drinkers , reported the daily mail
4.Upon guest requests , we also provide pastries , cakes , biscuits , coffee , beverages or even tasty meal prepared by our restaurant during the meeting
5.Drinking caffeinated beerages may induce a " healthy " rise in blood pressure that counteracts the drop in blood pressure that occurs after a meal , a phenomenon that becomes more pronounced as people age , researchers note
6.Caffeinated ground coffee and caffeinated instant coffee , both of which hae relatiely large amounts of caffeine per sering , were the only specific beerages associated with a statistically significant protectie effect , the authors note
7.If you want to pretend that you are rich , you don ' t pretend without preparing ! i ' m going to guide you on how to differentiate the differences in each coffee being served
8.New york ( reuters health ) - drinking caffeinated beerages on a regular basis may proide significant protection against death from heart disease in the elderly who hae normal leels of blood pressure , according to data from a large u . s . health and nutrition study
纽约(路透社健康) - -据一项大范围的美国健康和营养研究表明,日常饮用咖啡饮料能够使正常血压的老年人群显著预防心脏疾病的发生。
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