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English translation for "周旋到底"

fight to the end

Related Translations:
周旋:  1.(回旋;盘旋) circle round2.(打交道) mix with other people; socialize; have social intercourse with; go [move] about; attend to guests [friends]: 周旋于达官贵人之间 move in high society; 周旋其间 walk and tal
周旋其间:  walk and talk to guests circuitously deal with
周旋的人:  broker
虚与周旋:  act diplomatically with sb
巧与周旋:  tackle sb. with flexibility
周旋于餐桌之间:  table-hop
与敌人周旋到底:  fight the enemy to the finish
周旋于达官贵人之间:  move in high society
曲柄全周旋转运动:  all-round crank motion
穷追到底:  hunt down
Example Sentences:
1.He vowed to pursue the war against terrorism until washington ' s objectives are met
2.But pigsty alley has its own secrets : unknown to sing and the axe gang , hidden kung - fu masters prowl the poverty - stricken streets , ready to defend their turf to the bitter end
3.But if you keep failing and failing all the time , and you try to work through these people , then you will eventually also think that you are a failure and blame yourself , and lose this positive power . and this is bad
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