gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck; let one's opponent start hitting and then get the better of him; spar with one's opponent, more for defence than attack
Example Sentences:
Wudang kung fu emphasizes the internal strength training approaches and advocates launching attack later and overcoming hardness with softness 武当武术强调内功修练,讲究后发制人和以柔克刚。
But real produced their customary late show , including a headed goal by mahamadou diarra , to storm back to victory and snatch the title from barcelona ' s grasp 不过,皇马上演后发制人好戏,成功逆转,迪亚拉( m .迪亚拉)贡献一个头球。
Its persistence has eventually paid off in some new markets , such as sql database software and server software , where it started from behind 它的坚持总是能换来新的市场份额,比如在sql数据库软件和服务器软件市场上,微软都是后发制人的。
China implements a military strategy of active defense . strategically , china pursues a principle featuring defensive operations , self - defense and attack only after being attacked 中国实行积极防御军事战略,在战略上坚持防御、自卫和后发制人的原则。
In military affairs , this maxim means solving disputes by non - military means , being wary of war and strategically gaining mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck 这种思想表现在军事上,就是主张用非军事手段来解决争端、慎重对待战争和战略上后发制人。
Morphine and other opiates , which bind to opioid receptors on the nociceptor endings that reach into the spinal cord , employ this latter tactic 吗啡及其他鸦片类物质的结合目标鸦片受体,位在痛觉受器伸入脊髓的分支上,所以它们使用的就是上述后发制人的策略。
The channel makes progress by features as follows : firstly , the column of < political and law report , which is characterized with turning news into magazine ; secondly , the column of < feelings story at 8 . p . m > , which is charactersized with turning feelings into magazine ; thirdly , the column of < fangyuan investigation > , which is characterized with integration of different columns into one group ; at last , the column of < x archive . > , which is characterized with comprehension of history culture and folk history 政法频道不断加强原创节目的流水线生产和品牌栏目的精心塑造,以获得中国电视“百佳栏目”称号的《政法报道》为标志的新闻节目杂志化;以获“湖南省十佳栏目”称号的《情动八点》为标志的情感节目杂志化;以获“中国新闻名专栏”称号的《方圆调查》为标志的专栏集团化;再加上以《 x档案》为标志的大型人文地理杂志,集历史文化、民俗文化于一体的综合性栏目收视后发制人,四大节目体系日益成熟和完善。