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English translation for "变得慌张"

lose one's nerves

Related Translations:
不慌张地:  unfla ablyunflappably
变得:  becamebecome -get grow turngotyou would get much more fat if you kept on eating so much
变得烦躁:  get fretful
变得多云:  cloud over
变得萎靡不振:  lose vigor and vitality become weak
变得独立:  cut the umbilical cord
变得清晰:  come into focus
变得无效:  rendered void
变得甜:  sweetening
变得过热:  overheat
Example Sentences:
1.The steady countenance which miss lucas had commanded in telling her story , gave way to a momentary confusion here on receiving so direct a reproach ; though , as it was no more than she expected , she soon regained her composure , and calmly replied ,
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