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English translation for "去药房"

going to the pharmacy

Related Translations:
药房:  1.(医药商店) drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy; officina2.(医院或诊所里的药房) hospital pharmacy; dispensary
宁药房:  guardian pharmacy
药房剪:  apothecary scissors
综合药房:  integrated pharmacy/integrated dispensary
美国药房:  american pharmacy
病区药房:  inpatient pharmacy/inpatient dispensary
住院药房:  dispensary for inpatients
药房的:  officinal
药房女孩:  drugstore girl
药房烟:  drug store blends
Example Sentences:
1.I took the doctor ' s prescription to a drug store
2.Take this prescription to the pharmacy
3.So would you please go to the drug store and get me some headache medicine quickly ? quick !
4.So he asked the turtle , " oh , brother , could you please go to the pharmacy and get me some headache medicine , because my head is pounding
5.Similarly , if when were sick , we might not see a doctor but instead buy medicine at a pharmacy . there we find many supplements , vitamins and medicines for abdominal pain or headache , and randomly buy some and take them
6.When you take a pharmaceutical , the wilden pumps are used to purify the medicine . the most expensive ones are very , very tiny , stainless steel . they re used in all the pharmaceutical companies to make your medicines and mine , the iv s , the injections , etc . well , jim wilden lived his life in the wow zone
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