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English translation for "原子中的电子"

atomic electron

Related Translations:
原子:  [化学] [物理学] atom 短语和例子标记原子 labelled atom; 原子爆炸 atomic explosion; atomic blast; 原子单位 atomic unit; 原子电池atomic battery [cell];原子动力 atomic power; 原子动力舰 atompowered ship; 原子堆 atomic pile; 原子讹诈 a
Example Sentences:
1.The light photons, or bundle of light energy, knock electrons in the chromium atoms .
2.Atomic electrons do not behave in this way, regardless of maxwell's theory .
3.These wavelengths are presumably caused by oscillations of the electrons in the atom .
4.Electrons in atoms are visualized as diffuse clouds surrounding the nucleus .
5.As the starshine intensified , it eventually stripped electrons from the hydrogens , ionizing the atoms
6.Particles has energy high enough to remove electrons from an atom to create an electrically charged ion
7.Particles ) has energy high enough to remove electrons from an atom to create an electrically charged ion
8.When alpha and beta particles strike demron , intervening electrons in the salt atoms deflect and slow them down , whereupon they are absorbed into the material
9.Langevin is noted for his work on paramagnetism and diamagnetism , and devised the modern interpretation of this phenomenon in terms of electric charges of electrons within atoms
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