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English translation for "压缩函数"

compressibility function
compression function

Related Translations:
压缩:  compress; condense; reduce; cut down; compression; contraction; compaction; pack; reduction; recompression; hoop (静水压的) 短语和例子压缩非生产性开支 cut down non-productive expenses; 压缩国内需求 depress [lowe
Example Sentences:
1.The hardware capacity for speech in spce061a is used and the function of speech compression is embedded in software
2.A hash - based message authentication code hmac uses a hash function where data is hashed by iterating a basic compression function on blocks of data
基于哈希的消息验证代码( hmac )使用一个哈希函数,通过在数据块上迭代基本压缩函数来计算数据的哈希值。
3.First the companding function that can realize optimum table spacing is derived , and a new nonlinear indexing method based on lut technique is putting forward . the advantage of this new indexing method is studied and the practical implementation is present . at last an improved adaptive scheme of the new method is considered
4.The small range searching technique can correct 4 more conditions for the first iteration differential and 3 more conditions for the second iteration differential , thus improving the probability and the complexity to find collisions . the whole attack on the md5 can be accomplished within 5 hours using a pc with pentium4 1 . 70ghz cpu
关于hash函数的碰撞攻击最近几年取得了举世注目的成果,王小云等提出的基于模减的差分分析方法有效地攻破了md4 , md5 , ripmd , haval和sha - 0等一系列hash函数,其攻击算法复杂度都低于次压缩函数运算,在一般的个人电脑上运算都可以找到碰撞实例。
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