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English translation for "十字架的"


Related Translations:
十字架:  cross 短语和例子耶稣在十字架上受的苦难 christ's agony on the cross
十字架一:  gacrux =γcrucisgamma crucis
十字架路:  via crucisway of the cross
十字架报:  croix lacrucerola croix
十字架公园:  holyrood park
取样十字架:  dividing cross
十字架男爵:  baron la croix
形十字架:  y cross
没有十字架:  no cross no crown
十字架三:  beta crucis
Example Sentences:
1.Getting a piece of wood, he fashioned it in a cross, the four ends of which he blackened on the coals .
2.Because the piace where jesus was crucified . .
因为耶稣被钉上十字架的地方. .
3.Because the piace where jesus was crucified . .
因为耶稣被钉上十字架的地方. .
4.Their hopes had been shattered by the crucifixion
5.Because the piace where jesus was crucified
6.Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross
7.A fragment of the cross is enshrined in the cathedral
8.To aiiow them to break the iegs of the men who had been crucified
9.To aiiow them to break the iegs of the men who had been crucified . .
让他们打断被钉上十字架的人的腿. .
10.To aiiow them to break the iegs of the men who had been crucified . .
让他们打断被钉上十字架的人的腿. .
Similar Words:
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