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English translation for "化肥公司"

chemical fertilizers co

Related Translations:
化肥:  [简] (化学肥料) chemical fertilizer◇化肥厂 fertilizer plant; 化肥撒布机 fertilizer broadcaster
化肥化:  extensive use of chemical fertilizer
石灰化肥:  lime fertilizer
化肥司:  chemical fertilizer department
化肥装置:  chemical fertilizer plant
有机化肥:  manure
硝酸钙化肥:  calcium nitrate fertilizer
化肥工业:  chemical fertilizer industry
使化肥:  use chemical fertilizer
施化肥:  to fertilize
Example Sentences:
1.The paper mainly discussed the reasons of stress from liquid ammonia pressure vessel causing crack through examing data and experimental results and analysing relevant referential documents and materials , taking 1200 ammonia vessel ' s crack and leaking in a certain fertilization company as an example : there existed remaining welding , stress in the equipment ; there existed a stress decaying surrounding , i . e . , moisture 0 . 2 % , and temperature > - 5 with o2 or co2 inside ; the higher the intensity of raw materials , more possible it was to have stress decaying crack
摘要以某化肥公司1200氨冷器壳体开裂泄漏的失效分析为例,通过对检验数据和结果及有关文献资料的分析研究,探究了液氨介质压力容器产生应力腐蚀裂纹的原因:设备中存在较高的焊接残余应力;液氨介质具备应力腐蚀环境,即含水量0 . 2 % ,且有空气( o2或co2 )污染(或掺入) ,使用温度高于零下5 ;母材强度越高,应力腐蚀裂纹产生的倾向就越大。
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