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English translation for "动脉血压"

aortic pressure
arterial blood pressure
arterial pre ure
arterial pressure

Related Translations:
动脉血栓:  arterial thrombusthrombus of artery
动脉血酸碱度:  arterial phpha
动脉血ph:  arterial ph
动脉血气:  abg-arterial blood gasarterial blood gases
动脉血标本:  arterial blood sample
动脉血化:  arterialization
股动脉血流量:  femoral artery blood flow
动脉血红蛋白:  arterin
动脉血栓形成:  popliteal artery thrombosis
大脑动脉血流量:  cerebral arterial blood flow
Example Sentences:
1.A simple test that compares blood pressure in the arms and legs can be used to screen people for pad
2.International circulation > : i just want to differ the brachial blood pressure and arterial hardness value
3.The mean arterial pressure decreased by 27 ( 7 . 6 ) mm hg in the bolus group compared with 8 ( 8 . 7 ) mm hg in the infusion group
4.《 international circulation 》 : compare with the bp - lowering evaluation with brachial blood pressure or with the arterial hardness value
《国际循环》 :比较用肱动脉血压和动脉硬度值来衡量降压效果。
5.Elevated arterial blood pressure was documented on several occasions , but she never took medication . she had no children and had a hysterectomy
6.Arterial pressure and mean arterial pressure ( map ) were measured by cannulation of femoral artery and electrocardiogram was recorded by medlab system
7.Methods cerebral blood flows were simulated on hemodynamics models of cerebral blood on condition of normal and stroke with practical measured normal carotid blood pressure pre - ecp and during ecp
8.Myocardial bioelectric phenomena and their mechanism , the characters of excitation transmission in heart ; the periodicity changes and their characters of myocardial excitability , autorhythmicity and pacemaker of heart ; pumping function of heart and evaluation ; the concept , mechanism and influencing factors of arterial blood pressure ; carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptor reflex
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