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English translation for "刻画入微"

describe even to the trifling point; portray to the life; vivid portrayal of details

Related Translations:
入微:  in every possible way; in a subtle way 短语和例子体帖入微 show every possible consideration; be extremely thoughtful; 细腻入微的表演 an exquisite performance
装入微程序:  lm load micro program
体帖入微:  be extremely thoughtful
细腻入微的表演:  exquisite performance
刻画:  depict; describe; portray 短语和例子刻画英雄人物的形象 portray heroic characters
可吸入微尘:  respirable dust
人物刻画:  characterization
木雕刻画:  wood engraving
刻画得淋漓尽致:  portray most vividly
录音用刻画针:  cutter stylus
Example Sentences:
1." who , through works rich in nuance - now clear - sightedly realistic , now evocatively ambiguous - has formed an arabian narrative art that applies to all mankind
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