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English translation for "划清界限"

draw a demarcation line with sb.; be sharply demarcated from; distinguish between things that are different in nature; draw [make] a clear distinction; draw a clear [sharp] line between a and b; make a clean break with sb.: 你必须和他划清界限。 you must make a clean break with him

Related Translations:
你必须和他划清界限:  you must make a clean break with him
Example Sentences:
1.You must make a clean break with him .
2.Drawing the line between first and third worlds
3.A string of recent polls has shown increased support among english people for separation from their northerly neighbours
一连串的民意测验显示越来越多的英格兰人赞成与北邻- - - -苏格兰划清界限
4.White symbolizes purity , cleanliness , and sophistication . it works well as a shirt . women can pull it off as a suit , but men , steer clear
5.They consider the lengths to which the blood elves have gone to be completely insane , and seek to distance themselves from blood elves as much as possible
6.Also once fantasized oneself resolutely and determinedly wields thesword to cut the emotions , from this time on makes a clear distinctionthe boundary with microsoft , never fondly remembers
7.Therefore , in order to negate the nature of hegel ’ s law philosophy , he must break off from his law philosophy and separate in thoughts from hegel ’ s spiritualism
8.Palestinian leaders have tried to keep al - qaeda away from their fight with israel ( though it has won followers in refugee camps in lebanon and maybe gaza )
在与以色列的斗争中,巴勒斯坦曾试图与基地组织划清界限(虽然基地组织在黎巴嫩,甚至有可能加沙地带的难民营赢得了不少追随者) 。
9.She has realigned germany ' s position , putting some distance between herself and jacques chirac , and between herself and russia ' s leader , vladimir putin , while edging closer to america ' s president , george bush
10.He replied audibly enough , in a fashion which made my companion vociferate , more clamorously than before , that a wide distinction might be drawn between saints like himself and sinners like his master
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