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English translation for "刑事罪"

[ xíngshìzuì ]
criminal offence

Related Translations:
刑事事件:  civil matter
刑事恶作剧:  criminal mischief
刑事政策:  criminal policykriminalpolitik
刑事局:  criminal affairs bureaucriminal investigation bureau
刑事定罪:  criminal conviction
刑事司:  criminal division
刑事侦察:  criminal investigation
刑事损坏:  criminal damage
刑事诽谤:  criminal libel
国际刑事学会:  international association of criminal scienceinternationale gesellschaft für kriminalistik
Example Sentences:
1.Obstruction of justice is a serious criminal offense
2.Besides , he shifted the trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses from the bishop ' s court to the king ' s court
3.No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence , under national or international law , at the time when it was committed
4.If parents tend to believe that " domestic violence is not a crime " ; " it is better to admonish parents to hit his own children than to admonish a man to divorce his wife " , and " spare the rod , spoil the child " , they tend to use violence against their children
5.A university student was videotaped furtively by a video camera installed in her room in the students hostel while she was changing in the room . however , the incident was not regarded as a criminal act of peeping and the only punishment the university could inflict on the offender was expulsion
6.2 no one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence , under national or international law , at the time when it was committed nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed
7.Since it is a defense to the tort of malicious prosecution that the plaintiff was actually guilty of the crime charged , these tort cases of ten go into the question of whether the plaintiff actually committed the crime for which the defendant initiated prosecution
因为原告人事实上犯有被指控的刑事罪可以为属于诬告的民事侵权行为辩护,这类民事侵权行为案件就要深入研究原告人实际上是犯有被告人反诉中提出来的刑事犯罪问题, (该句中名词出现了11次,其中名词的复数形式是呈规则变化的。
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