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English translation for "刑事审判庭"

criminal adjudication tribunal
criminal tribunal
the criminal division

Related Translations:
审判庭:  trial division
刑事事件:  civil matter
刑事恶作剧:  criminal mischief
刑事政策:  criminal policykriminalpolitik
刑事局:  criminal affairs bureaucriminal investigation bureau
刑事定罪:  criminal conviction
刑事司:  criminal division
刑事侦察:  criminal investigation
刑事损坏:  criminal damage
刑事诽谤:  criminal libel
Example Sentences:
1.To process the increasing number of cases , the supreme people ' s court will add three criminal tribunals
2.The fact that cases of ipr have been divided into three types and accepted by three division ( civil , criminal , and administrative ) respectively , cannot satisfy the needs to protect ipr actively and then to make our citizens more creative
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