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English translation for "刊刻"

[ kānkē ] 
cut blocks; inscribe
Example Sentences:
1.1 . the edition and publication of yao he ' s poetry in song dynasty
2.On wang xianqian ' s block - printing books
3.So they were compiled together and entitled yun - tai anthology .
4.The publication and transcription of zhang ji ' s poems in ming dynasty
5.Discussing the popular novels ' inscription traits of later ming dynasty
6.The publication and creation of popular novels in hangzhou at the end of ming dynasty and the early qing dynasty
7.Movements of the center of the popular novels ' publication and carving and transition of novels ' style in the end of ming dynasty
8.Both of song versions are different in arranging order , quantity of poetry , official title about yao he and some words
三清代姚合集的刊刻与传抄。刘氏本为自己所重辑, fjf
9.There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action , and the publication of opus is no exception
10.Sanpo bnri katsurou ( 1852 ) in baifutang suanxue congshu ( 1874 ) is a book of wansan printed and published for the first time in china
摘要《白芙堂算学丛书》 ( 1874年)所收《算法圆理括囊》 ( 1852年)是在中国刊刻的第一本和算书。
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