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English translation for "冬眠的"


Related Translations:
冬眠:  [动物学] (冬蛰) winter sleep; hibernation◇冬眠疗法 frozen sleep; hibernation therapy
冬眠处:  hibernacula
冬眠心肌:  hibernating myocardium
冬眠腺:  hibernating gland
冬眠场所:  hibernaclehibernaculum
冬眠动物:  hibernating animalhibernator
冬眠宁:  wintermin
冬眠鼠:  dormouse
冬眠果树:  dormant fruit
冬眠地图:  hibernating map
Example Sentences:
1.The temperature of the hibernating animals falls to just below zero centigrade
2.The waking of insects : it means the hibernate insects begin to wake up gradually
3.These blizzards and long spells of extreme cold are very hard on any wildlife that isn ' t hibernating
4.You can touch it , or even pull its tail , without causing it to move or wake up
5.A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain . you can touch it , or even pull its tail , without causing it to move or wake up
6.You can help the turtle along by covering the area with dry leaves once they have " dug in " to help prevent problems with frost
7.But this classification also proved inadequate , because among mammals there are many that vary their body temperatures during hibernation
8.Interfax news agency reported this week that a bear in a zoo awoke from hibernation two months early , while another did not go to sleep at all
9.Some viruses wreak their effect as soon as their code is executed ; other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their code to be executed by the computer
10.Local media and hunters writing on internet sites say that across the country bears are moving about the forests at a time when they normally sleep and would not be seen for another two to three months
Similar Words:
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