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English translation for "内部传阅"

inside circulation

Related Translations:
传阅债券:  circular bond
内部:  interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 短语和例子内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 i
内部装置:  interior fitting-outinternal fittinginternals
内部版本:  internal release
内部转移:  internal transition
内部晶格:  internal crystal framework
内部制衡:  internal balancing
内部增长率:  internal growth rate
内部侦探:  rubber heel
内部过程:  built in procedurebuilt-in procedureinline procedurein-stream procedureinternal procedure
Example Sentences:
1.Uploading useful information for internal circulation e . g . departmental telephone directory , circulars , important notices etc . to the intranet for viewing by staff
2.Uploading useful information for internal circulation ( e . g . departmental telephone directory , circulars , important notices etc . ) to the intranet for viewing by staff
3.To prove that he was lying we confirmed that the solicitor s office had not only subscribed to chinese and english newspapers but also had them circulated and clippings made
4.Reduce resource consumption by reusing envelopes for internal circulation and external post as far as practical by covering the original address and post - mark with a piece of paper that you can write the address on it
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