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English translation for "典狱"

[ diǎnyù ] 
prison warder
◇典狱官 custodial officer

Related Translations:
被送入狱:  be sent to gaol
芳典:  yoshinori
定典:  sadanori
森典:  morinori
典佐:  norisuke
维典:  korinori
圣典:  canonscripture
廉典:  yasunori
典借:  mortgage
典辅:  norihironorisuke
Example Sentences:
1.The inspector begged the englishman to seat himself in an armchair .
2. "i'm following the warden's instructions to the letter," said adcock .
3.Waving the sheriff a pleasant farewell, he hurried on his way to cowperwood's house .
4.And so, in step with warden bruce jenkins, he was making a hasty inspection of the prison .
5.The allotted time ran out, while we were thus; but, looking at round, i found the governor of the prison standing near me .
6.This man had exercised the office of turnkey with so much vigilance, acuteness, and fidelity, that he gradually rose to be governor .
7.Because the warden don ' t run this prison . i do
8.I ' ii go ask the supervisor so get off my back
9.Don ' t worry , warden , we ' ll take care of business
10.- you , warden ? - they thought it might be amusing
-你?典狱长? -他们觉得在第一场比赛
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