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English translation for "公式表示"


Related Translations:
数学公式:  arithmetic formulamathematical formula
牵引力公式:  formula of tractive effort
剪切公式:  the shear formula
渗透公式:  permeability formula
粗估公式:  rough-and-ready formula
制动公式:  retardation formula
拉普拉斯公式:  laplace formula
命题公式:  propositional formulastatement formula
测量公式:  measure equation
公式小:  formula fiction
Example Sentences:
1.Similar relations can be formulated also for other composite waves .
2.Teacher : express the way of calculating the perimeter of a circle by letters
3.The systems are usually described by the timed automata and the properties are specified by the temporal logic
4.A formula expresses the relation among the three concepts : choice is decision , and discretion is choice , as a result , discretion is decision
5.A mathematically rigorous formulation of scalability aspects of routing in networks is a well - studied problem in the theory of distributed computation ?
6.Your presentation should review the decision - making context ; go over the model and how it is or would be formulated ; and discuss relevant issues associated with implementing this model for decision support
7.In formula form we have : eva = nopat - kw x ( na ) where eva is the economic value added , nopat is the net operating profit after tax , na is the net assets . eva method should be employed with for it compares the capital return to the capital cost
公式表示如下: eva = nopat - kw ( na )式中, kw是企业的加权平均资本成本, na是企业报告期初资产的经济价值, nopat是经过调整的营业净利润。
8.The method of model checking is a formal verification technique using the method of state - space search to verify if the behaviors of a given system ( the model ) satisfy a certain property that represented by temporal logic formulas , while the system presented as a kripke structure
9.About theorem , the paper introduces the syntax of ideal , also the first time uses concept of honest ideal to define secrecy goal of protocol and utilizes honest ideal logic to specify secrecy property . at the same time , this paper corrects one not so perfect lemma proving in a literature written by f " abrega , herzog and guttman
在理论上,本文引入了理想的语义,并首次使用了理想的概念对安全协议的秘密性进行严格的定义,同时使用理想的命题逻辑公式表示安全协议的秘密性;另外,本文修正了f ' abrega 、 herzog和guttman三人文献中的一个引理的证明,原有的证明是不完善的。
10.The work of this thesis has four parts : in the first part , we will describe completely the developing history of optical holography and analyze its formation geometrically , moreover we also introduce the physical process of the recording and reconstruction of the hologram , and use the simple mathematical formulas to describe it
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