Instructive principle and officials ' morality - on conflict between dong zhong - shu and gong sun - hong 论董仲舒与公孙弘的冲突
On gongsun hong 论公孙弘
Seeds of ginkgo is used as a dryfood and is full of nutrition . its juvenile period is too long and seedling will flower after more than ten years . long juvenile period severely restricts the progress of its breeding and reduces its economic value 银杏果实营养丰富,味道鲜美,遗憾的是银杏的童期很长,被称为公孙树,实生树的开花需要十几年,严重制约着银杏品种改良和经济利用。
Ginkgo biloba . l , locally known as baiguo and gongsun tree , is special rare plan in china . at presellt , only one section , one category , one genus exists , so it is called " living fossil " of gymnospenn and be of vital scientific value in botany 银杏( ginkgobiloba )又名白果、公孙树,是我国特有的珍贵孑遗树种,也是目前世界上珍稀裸子植物之一,现仅存一科一属一种,素有裸子植物“活化石”之称,在植物学上具有重要的科学价值。