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English translation for "元首级"

the summit

Related Translations:
元首:  head of a state; chief executive; ruler; emir (埃米尔, 某些伊斯兰国家的元首); sultan (苏丹, 某些伊斯兰国家的元首)
元首夫人:  first-lady
元首制:  principate
元首职务:  chair of state
元首府:  the palace of the head of state prefecture
元首统治:  principate
州元首:  yang di-pertuan negeri
元首牌汽车:  sovereign
元首护卫师:  führer begleit division
乌龙元首:  head of state
Example Sentences:
1.In july 1998 and august 1999 , respectively , the heads of state of the five countries met for the third and fourth times in alma - ata in kazakhstan and bishkek in kyrgyzstan , where they signed joint state - ments
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