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English translation for "元音长度"

vowel length

Related Translations:
元音:  vowel◇元音符号 vowel sign; 元音和谐 vowel harmony; 元音系统 vowel system
元音系统:  vowel system
短元音:  [语言学] short vowel
窄元音:  a narrow vowel
口腔元音:  oral vowel
基本元音:  cardinal vowelsprimary vowel sound
元音形成:  formation of vowels
元音符号:  vowel markvowel point
元音和谐:  vowel harmony
松元音:  lax vowel
Example Sentences:
1.In order to deal with this problem , this paper introduces the author ' s research on some techniques related to speech processing , mainly including three aspects as follows : [ 1 ] in chinese pronunciation , each syllable contains the vowel , the vowel ' s length is the main part in the syllable but the vowel does n ' t contain the important information . according to these characteristics , we propose a method of adjusting the speech velocity by using similar waveform that is found by correlative coefficient in vowel part to lengthen or reduce the vowel part
本文主要介绍了作者针对这一问题所作的关于语音调整的技术与方法的研究工作,其中包括( 1 )根据汉语语音发音时每一个音节都含有元音,元音长度占音节长度的主要部分但是却不包含发音的主要信息这些特点,提出在语音的元音部分利用相关系数寻找相似波形,然后对元音部分进行几个相似波形的压缩或扩展的方法来改变元音的长度进而调整语速。
Similar Words:
"元音,元音字母" English translation, "元音鼻音化" English translation, "元音变化" English translation, "元音变换" English translation, "元音变音" English translation, "元音大变位" English translation, "元音大换位" English translation, "元音大推移" English translation, "元音的" English translation, "元音的, 元音性的, 含元音的" English translation