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English translation for "元码"

code n-ary
Example Sentences:
1.A family of binary codes from z2k - linear codes
2.Binary coded decimal character code
3.Symmetrical binary code
4.Pcm binary code
5.In order to eliminate the gap between simulation and real deployment , the framework supports fast real code emulation by dynamic binary translation
6.The study of bent functions takes the place of the study binary dyadic codes , because they are equipollent . firstly , the concept of the families of bent complemen - tary function pairs is defined , and several transform properties are given and < wp = 6 > proved
7.In resent years , the theory of ring of coding and cryptography is the key for researcher in coding and cryptography . in particular , the study of code over z4 . in this paper , the main results are the following : 1
近年来,很从事编码密码理论的研究者将研究的兴趣从有限域上的编码密码理论转移到有限环上,尤其是z _ 1码的研究,通过gray映射,将z _ 1上的码与域上二元码联系起来。
8.Architecturally , an ideographic character in the cjk unified ideographs block or the cjk unified ideographs extension a block can be represented by a 16 - bit code point e . g . hexadecimal value 4e00 . however , an ideographic character in the cjk unified ideographs extension b block of iso 10646 - 2 : 2001 requires a 32 - bit code point e . g
在结构上,中日韩表意文字区和中日韩表意文字区扩展区a的表意文字可用十六位元码位组成例如:十六进制数值4e00 ,但iso iec 10646 - 2 : 2001内的中日韩表意文字区扩展区b的表意文字则须用三十二位元码位组成例如:十六进制数值00020000 ,通常简化为20000 。
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