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English translation for "元宝草"

[ yuánbǎocǎo ]
herba hyperici sampsonii
hypericum sampsonii hance
sam on st. john'swort herb
sampson st.johnwort herb

Related Translations:
元宝:  shoe-shaped gold ingot; shoe-shaped silver ingot◇元宝车 depressed centorcar; well car; 元宝枫 acer truncatum; purpleblow maple
三鲜元宝:  seafood dumplings
元宝螺丝:  wing screw
元宝螺钉:  butterfly screw
元宝筋:  bend bar
元宝酥:  silver ingots crisp
元宝槭:  acer truncatum bgeacer truncatum bunge
元宝螺母:  eared nutthumb nutthumbnutwing nut
元宝车:  well carwell wagon
元宝炬:  emperor wen of western wei
Example Sentences:
1.Studies on chemical constituents of hypericum sampsonii
2.Determined by the method of hplc , the content of hyperoside in hypericum perforatum linn , h
837人其次是地耳草门643 l最低是元宝草
3.Survey on the botanical resources in sichuan province has been conducted . it is concluded that 22 species in 5 sections of hypericum are for medicinal use
对川产4组7种1变种金丝桃属药用植物贯叶连翘hypericumperforatumlinn 、元宝草h
4.Based on the morphological and phytochemical investigations , comparative studies on the antidepressant action of the ethanol extracts of hypericum perforatum linn > h . faberi r . keller and h . sampsonii hance ( sect . hypericum ) were conducted . the forced swimming and mouse - tail suspension tests in mice show that the extracts from these 3 species have antidepressant actions
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