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English translation for "儿童游戏室"

play room

Related Translations:
儿童:  children 短语和例子无辜的儿童 an innocent child; 未满5岁儿童免费。 children under five years of age are not charged.; 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children; 儿童保健服务机构 child health services; 儿童保育事业 child care; 儿
游戏产品:  releases
洋娃娃游戏:  s eye response doll play
数字游戏:  numpla & oekaki puzzle success japanvol.the
幸存游戏:  surviving the game
爱国者游戏:  patriot games
游戏定位:  game product positioning
游戏站:  playstation 2
益智游戏:  best puzzle gamequiz show
磁铁游戏:  magnet play
Example Sentences:
1.Jenny is watching tv in the den with the kids
2.Children s play rooms
3.Children play room
4.Ft facility houses an impressive auditorium with a 250 - person capacity , a library with more than 10 , 000 volumes , an art gallery , a gym , a conference room , a playroom for children , 2 classrooms , and a full - equipped kitchen
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