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English translation for "儿童图书"

children's book
leave for shanghai

Related Translations:
全国图书理事会:  nbc national book committeenbc national book council
儿童:  children 短语和例子无辜的儿童 an innocent child; 未满5岁儿童免费。 children under five years of age are not charged.; 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children; 儿童保健服务机构 child health services; 儿童保育事业 child care; 儿
独生儿童:  only child
猥亵儿童:  child molestation
儿童睡衣:  children's sleepwear
儿童信纸:  children's note paper
住院儿童:  hospitalized child
儿童营养:  childhood nutrition
常态儿童:  normal child
仅儿童:  children only
Example Sentences:
1.Yong chen children s book watercolor illustration art
2.Children s book illustration for " swimming with sharks " by yong chen
3.A picture book for ages 5 - 9 . full color illustrations in watercolor
一本画书为年5 - 9儿童读者的儿童图书
4.The government says that a family is allowed to have only one child
一本画书为年5 - 9儿童读者的儿童图书
5.Bologna children ' s book fair
6.Children s book illustration
7.Swimming with sharks
8.They provide an eerie backdrop for movies , children ' s books and theme - park rides
9.In china , i grew up in a village with a strong cultural and artistic tradition
10.Watercolor paintings , charcoal drawings , oil paintings and comic books by kids
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