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English translation for "儿童哮喘"

childhood asthma
pediatric asthma

Related Translations:
哮喘和枯草热:  asthma and hayfevereczema
儿童:  children 短语和例子无辜的儿童 an innocent child; 未满5岁儿童免费。 children under five years of age are not charged.; 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children; 儿童保健服务机构 child health services; 儿童保育事业 child care; 儿
独生儿童:  only child
猥亵儿童:  child molestation
儿童睡衣:  children's sleepwear
儿童信纸:  children's note paper
住院儿童:  hospitalized child
儿童营养:  childhood nutrition
常态儿童:  normal child
仅儿童:  children only
Example Sentences:
1.Family history of allergic diseases and childhood asthma
2.Building normal net of preventing and curing childhood asthma
3.Treatment of children ' s asthma during remission with chinese medicine in four seasons
4.Treatment of 28 cases of child asthma by - globulin injection plus tcm enema
5.An epidemic investigation and analysis on chidhood bronchial asthma in baotou city in
6.Study on relationship between the infection of mycoplasma and bronchial asthma in children
7.Correlation between expression of cysteinyl leukotrienes receptor gene mrna and children with asthma
8.Oer the past three decades , the prealence of childhood asthma has increased substantially
9.Analysis of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in two hundred and forty - eight cases with children s asthma
10.Relationship between asthma of children and infection of mycoplasma pneumoniae or chlamydia pneumoniae
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