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English translation for "储蓄利率"

savings deposit rates

Related Translations:
计划储蓄:  planned savings
团体储蓄:  savings of society
储蓄总额:  aggregate savingsgross savings
巨额储蓄:  substantial savings
公司储蓄:  corporate savings
储蓄的:  saving
现金储蓄:  cash reserve
定额储蓄:  fixed amount savings
储蓄鼓励:  thrift encouragementthrift engagement
最低储蓄:  minimum deposit
Example Sentences:
1.Reason and countermeasure for elasticity weakening of deposit interest rate
2.The savings rate under hkab s interest rate rules remained unchanged at 3 . 5 %
3.The bank of east asia announces new standard savings rate ( 10 th january , 2004 )
东亚银行公布最新之标准储蓄利率( 2004年1月10日)
4.The above rates declared have already taken into account of the guaranteed prescribed savings rates
5 . 00 %上述已公布利率已经包含保证订明储蓄利率
5.Investors are provided with an interest guarantee for each month equal to the prescribed savings rate published by the mpfa
6.The fed also cut its discount rate for direct loans to banks by half a point , to five and one - quarter percent , to increase their lending ability
为了增强银行的借贷能力,联储还削减了银行直接贷款的储蓄利率,下调了0 . 5 %之后降至5 . 15 % 。
7.Hong kong s interest rate down to its record low ( the current standard savings rate quoted by major banks in hong kong is 0 . 125 % p . a . )
8.Pressure grew on tuesday for china to raise interest rates sharply in the coming months after inflation hit 6 . 5 per cent in august , the highest in more than a decade
星期三,中国面临在未来几个月提高储蓄利率的强大压力。 8月份,中国的通货膨胀达到了近10年来的最高。
9.Effective from feb 1 , 2005 , the guarantee on prescribed savings rates will be removed although the interest fund still aims to declare a rate that equals to or exceeds the prescribed savings rate
10.In general , the administrative expenses for the capital preservation fund will not be deducted unless the interest rate earned in that particular month exceeds the prescribed savings rate as announced by the mpfa
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