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English translation for "停靠港口"


Related Translations:
停靠:  calling; stop; berth: 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。 six 10,000-ton freighters can berth at this dock. 下一个停靠站离这里很远。 the next stop is much further on.◇停靠港 port of call; 停靠站 stop station
短暂停靠:  touch attouchat
停靠站:  bus stopsto ing pointstop stationstopping pointstops
停靠地:  p.o.c. port of call
停靠框架:  parking frame
停靠装置:  parking device
停靠消火栓:  take a hydrant
定期停靠:  regular calling
蛋白质停靠:  protein docking
停靠位:  tab
Example Sentences:
1.Provided that when damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstance connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage , then the wages and maintenance of master , officers and crew and fuel and stores consumed and port charges incurred during the extra detention for repairs to damages so discovered shall not be admissible as general average , even if the repairs are necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage
2.The carrier , master and . ship shall have liberty to comply with any orders or directions as to loading , departure , arrival , routes , ports of call , stoppage , discharge , destination , delivery or otherwise howsoever given by the government of any nation or department thereof or any person acting or purporting to act with the authority of such government or any department thereof , or by any . committee or person having , under the terms of war risk insurance on the ship , the right to give such orders or directions
3.Provided that when damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstance connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage , then the wages and maintenance of master , officers and crew and fuel and stores consumed during the extra detention for repairs to damages so discovered shall not be admissible as general average , even if the repairs are necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage
Similar Words:
"停靠港" English translation, "停靠港,寄船港" English translation, "停靠港,(飞机)中间停留站" English translation, "停靠港;沿途靠岸港口" English translation, "停靠港寄泊港" English translation, "停靠框架" English translation, "停靠期" English translation, "停靠时间" English translation, "停靠位" English translation, "停靠系统" English translation