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English translation for "促进发育"

accelerate growth

Related Translations:
促进出口:  boost exportexport promotion
促进公司:  proparco
促进合作:  promote cooperation
促进者:  boosterexpediterforwarderprecipitatorpromoter
促进作用:  accelerationanxo actionanxoactionauxo-actionpromoter actionpromotion (= promotor action)promotor action (= promotion)stimulation
行销促进:  marketing promotion
促进活化剂:  accelerator activator
促进消化:  promotion of digestion
中性促进剂:  neutral type accelerator
化学促进作用:  chemokinesis
Example Sentences:
1.Promotes body development and healthy bone growth
2.The transferring in unmated female may not spawning normally , but ovary development is accelerated and also molt
3.Material , usually of plant or animal origin , that contains or consists of essential body nutrients , such as carbohydrates , fats , proteins , vitamins , or minerals , and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy , stimulate growth , and maintain life
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