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English translation for "使用打印机"

using a printer

Related Translations:
字符打印机:  ccharacter printercharacter-at-a-time printer
微型打印机:  micro-printer
针打印机:  needle printer
工作站打印机:  work station printer
打印机字节:  printer character band
尾随打印机:  trail printer
末尾打印机:  end printing machine
打印机箱:  printer box
打印机作业:  printer jobs
逻辑打印机:  logon rights
Example Sentences:
1.How can i print labels on the surface of the dvd
2.Use both sides of the paper when printing or photocopying . use recycled paper if possible
3.In the demonstration application , menus respond only to hotkeys and not to arrow - key selection or movable highlight bars
4.Replace old ink cartridges and use your printer diagnostics to improve the print quality until dark , crisp , solid lines are printed
5.In addition , you no longer have to install a printer driver on a windows 2000 client computer to enable it to use a printer
6.Confidential print jobs can be stored in the docuprint c2428 temporarily and printed safely later by operating the control panel of the printer
机密的打印任务可以暂时存储在docuprint c2428中,并且随后使用打印机的控制面板来安全地进行打印。
7.You should be familiar with visual studio and microsoft visual c , and your system must meet the following requirements to use the printer delivery sample
您应该熟悉visual studio和microsoft visual c # ,并且您的系统必须满足以下要求,才能使用打印机传递示例:
8.If you are using the sample printer delivery extension in report manager , repeat steps 1 and 2 using the report manager policy configuration file rsmgrpolicy . config and the following code group
如果是在报表管理器中使用打印机传递扩展插件示例,请使用报表管理器策略配置文件( rsmgrpolicy . config )和以下代码组重复第1步和第2步:
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