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English translation for "使娱乐"


Related Translations:
娱乐玩具:  games for play
娱乐活动:  part four entertainment and recreationrecr eational activitiesrecreational activities
资讯娱乐:  infotainment
娱乐广场:  ktv
夜间娱乐:  evening entertainment
每周娱乐:  entertainment weekly
娱乐股票:  amusement shares
娱乐节目:  entertainment functionentertainment programmefactual entertainment
娱乐论坛:  mobile entertainment forum
Example Sentences:
1.Second , the overuse of modern technology lead to entertainment turn more tired but relaxedness
2.Hoping to make entertainment history , microsoft plans to release the latest video game in its hit halo franchise on tuesday
3.Finally , young people is so absorbed in recreation because the overuse of technology in it , and these lead to whom hardly any interest in other things
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