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English translation for "五洞"


Related Translations:
洞洞装:  breezy outfit
瓮洞:  wengdong
入洞:  putting
锭洞:  spindle hole
玉山洞:  oksan dongoksan-dong
定洞:  jongdong
巨洞:  cavernvoid
洞洞防水布:  hole tarp
屏蔽洞:  niche cave
针洞:  pin hole
Example Sentences:
1.In this paper the stress - strain and deformation characteristics of loess of the fifth tunnel of luohuiqu were analyzed by means of conventional tri - axial tests and the softening constitutive models were established . the models provide not only the basic and the necessary calculation conditions to analyze the mechanics response and construction optimization of simple shield tunnel method on the fifth tunnel of luohuiqu , but also a new method in researching the softening constitutive models of loess
本文通过对洛惠渠五洞q _ 1黄土进行常规三轴试验,分析和探讨黄土变形强度特性,建立q1黄土的软化本构模型,这不仅为洛惠渠五洞的简易盾构法施工的力学响应分析及其施工优化提供了最基本,最需要的计算条件,而且为当前土力学研究的热点? ?土的软化本构模型拓展了新的思路。
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