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English translation for "买邮票"

buying stamps

Related Translations:
邮票及挂号柜位:  stamp and registration counter
买机票:  entertainment a twenty-four-hour bookstorepurchasing airline tickets
买涨:  bull
买时:  true-time
买他们:  buy them
买定:  settle a purchase
买超:  overboughtoverbuy
买垫头:  go on margin
买尔洋:  maryang
易买得:  e-mart
Example Sentences:
1.When was the last time you buy stamps
2.I am against your spending too much money on stamps
(作宾语? ?介词宾语)我反对你花很多钱买邮票
3.Your question is when and where i bought stamps recently
4.He had no money for stamps , so the manuscripts accumulated in a heap under the table
5.Buy your postage electronically . does anyone really enjoy standing in line at the post office
6.I don ' t like snailmail . not only it is slow , but we need to pay for the stamps
(我不喜欢邮寄邮件,它不只慢,而且我们还要花钱买邮票。 )
7.Furthermore , the costs of secretarial labor printing , and stamps are all soaring . the telephone is quick
8.Once i nearly posted it to germany , but , to tell you the truth , i didn ' t want to spend money on a stamp
9.In a word , us several bought the stamp in the retail department that day . the stewardess has very good attitude , though we want this to return that for a moment for a moment , two young ladies have satisfied the " god " tirelessly
总之,那天在门市部买邮票的只有我们几个中国人。服务小姐态度很好,尽管我们一会儿要这个一会儿退那个,两个小姐还是不厌其烦地满足了这些“上帝” 。
10.And having dined , he sat down at his table - desk and completed before midnight an essay which he entitled " the dignity of usury . " having typed it out , he flung it under the table , for there had been nothing left from the five dollars with which to buy stamps
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