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English translation for "举目远眺"

look into the distance

Related Translations:
举目:  [书面语] raise the eyes; look
举目四望:  look round
举目皆是:  be found everywhere; can be seen everywhere
远眺:  look far into the distance
举目四顾春光常驻不败:  sunshine in my eyes
极目远眺:  gaze into the distance; strain one's eyes to look at the distance
骋目远眺:  scan distant horizons
登高远眺:  ascend a height to enjoy a distant view
凭栏远眺:  lean on a balcony looking at the distance
倚栏远眺:  lean on the parapet and gaze into the distance; leaning against the railing to see in the distance
Example Sentences:
1.They cried unto the lord forever, and lifted up their eyes forever, they were cast down forever .
2.After about 20 minutes , you ll arrive at the lugard road lookout where you ll enjoy stunning views of the city and harbour below
3.Gazing out from the stubbs road lookout , tourists will have a complete view of the famous buildings and scenic spots , such as happy valley racecourse , central plaza and the hopewell centre
4.This brand new five - star international hotel has 420 rooms with breathtaking views of shenzhen bay , hong kong the pearl of asia , the central futian district and chinese overseas town
5.The hotel has 141 rooms , standard rooms and dingle rooms and more than 280beds with all equipments . a cup of coffee , a classcial magazine will make you enjoy the music while relaxing you busy life . this is the highest of kaifeng . from this building you may have a view over the grand building - dragon pavilion and the historical lron pagoda . on the same time you will receive the sound of xiangguo momastery
酒店拥有各式客房141间套, 280馀个床位,配套设施全。一杯香浓的咖啡一份经典的杂志,在您享受现代紧张生活的同时,亦能聆听历史长河的翩翩乐章:举目远眺亭的金碧辉煌,铁塔的行云流水俯耳倾听古兰经的高声吟唱,相国霜钟低声鸣响
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